Starting as low as SGD $39.50 per month + 50.00 set-up fee.

Discounts for longer upfront payment lengths

  • 3 months upfront payment: SGD $79.00 per month (No Discount). [Order]
  • 1 year upfront payment: SGD $59.25 per month (25% Discount). [Order]
  • 2 years upfront payment: SGD $39.50 per month (50% Discount). [Order]
Premium Plan
Features Descriptions
No. of Domain Sharing Less than 80 Domains.
Servers Architecture  • 1 for Web.
• 1 for E-mail & Web-Mail.
• 1 Redundant Standby.
• 1 for Secondary Mail Exchanger.
Operating Systems  • Windows 2000.
E-mail  • 100MB Disk Space(Email & Web).
• Unlimited POP3 & Webmail
• Web-based Users
• Unlimited E-mail Aliases.
• Unlimited E-mail Forwarding.
• Unlimited E-mail Auto-
• E-mail Processing Rule.
• Authenticated Outgoing Mail
Protection (ASMTP).
• Anti-Virus Protection with daily
• Anti-Spam Protection with daily
Web  • 100MB Disk Space(Email & Web).
• 1 FTP Account.
• 1 MS-Access ODBC DSN.
• Multi-domain Parking.
• Monthly Web Statistics.Server Extensions:
• ASP/ASP.NET Framework.
• ColdFusion.
• Perl CGI.
• WAP.

Guaranteed Uptime:

  • Credits for uptimes of less than 99.9% (SLA).
  • 24/7 network monitoring at 5 minutes interval.
  • Firewall with Integrated Intrusion Protection.