Other Versions of Microsoft Outlook
Outlook 97
1. Go to Tools => Services
2. Highlight the Internet Mail and click on the Properties
3. Enter any name under the Full Name column (optional) John
4. Enter the e-mail address under the Email address column
5. Under the Internet Mail Server column type in “pop.<your domain name>”
e.g. for domain wmasia.net, user should key in “pop.wmasia.net”
6. Under the Account name type in the email address
7. Under the Password type in the e-mail password
8. Click on the Advanced Options, type in “asmtp.<your domain name>”
e.g. for domain wmasia.net, user should key in “asmtp.wmasia.net”
Outlook 98
1. Go to Tools => Services
2. Under “Fax and Mail” Windows , select Internet E-Mail Profile and click on the Properties
3. Under “Internet E-Mail Profile Properties” Windows , select Services tab
4. Click on the Properties button
5. You will see the next email settings is like Outlook Express
6. Under “Internet Account” Windows , click on Mail tab
7. Look for the (default) account name under the Account column and click on it
8. Click on Properties button
9. Click on General tab
10. Enter any name under the Name column (optional) John
11. Enter the e-mail address under the E-mail address column
12. Click on the Servers tab
13. Under the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) column type in “asmtp.<your domain name>”
e.g. for domain wmasia.net, user should key in “asmtp.wmasia.net”
14. Under the Incoming Mail (POP3) column type in “pop.<your domain name>”
e.g. for domain wmasia.net, user should key in “pop.wmasia.net”
15. Select the radio button “Log on using”
16. Under the Account name type in the userid
17. Under the Password type in the e-mail password
18. Click on ‘Ok’ to save your settings