Common Questions:

1. What is a Domain Name?
2. How do Domain Names work?
3. What is a Registrar /  How do I transfer my domain name to another Registrar?
4. What is DNS Hosting / What are DNS authoritative name servers?
5. What should I prepare before changing my DNS Authoritative name servers to Wired-Media’s?
6. How do I change my DNS Authoritative name servers?
7. How long does a change of name servers take?
8. Do I need to transfer my domain name?


What is a Domain Name?
A domain name is a string of text that is used by Internet users or devices to access various online services eg email, website.

How do Domain Names work?
Domain names are registered with a domain registrar eg WebNIC. You pay the registrar a yearly fee to keep the domain active. Your registrar then points the domain name to a set of authoritative nameservers, and those nameservers in essence point your domain name to your hosting company eg Wired-Media.

What is a Registrar /  How do I transfer my domain name to another Registrar?
Please refer to the below URL:

What is DNS Hosting / What are DNS authoritative name servers?
A DNS Hosting system keeps track of online services and hostnames associated with that domain name. DNS Name servers are the servers that run DNS Hosting system for your domain name. Your domain’s DNS information is stored on those name servers, which are managed by your DNS hosting provider eg Wired-Media.

What should I prepare before changing my DNS Authoritative name servers to Wired-Media’s?
Request from your current DNS provider a copy of the latest DNS zone file for your domain(s).  A DNS zone file keeps tracks of all DNS records related to your domain(s).

Once you have received the zone file details, please email them to Wired-Media Helpdesk. Our team will reply once the DNS records for your domain(s) have been imported to our name servers.

Please wait for our team’s reply before proceeding with the name server changes. This step is important to avoid any possible service disruption due to missing DNS records.

How do I change my DNS Authoritative name servers?
You can change nameservers by logging into your current registrar account and replacing the existing nameservers with the details provided by Wired-Media.

If your domain name is currently registered under our preferred registrar WebNIC, our team will be able to perform the changes on your behalf.

How long does a change of name servers take?
Actual time may vary among various Registrars. For WebNIC’s case, changes may take effect within 1-2 Business days.

Do I need to transfer my domain name?
You only need a transfer of your domain name aka registrar transfer if you wish to appoint Wired-Media to manage your domain(s).